If I remembered correctly, there was a request asking for a Kawakami Mai from Musaigen no Phantom Rainmeter skin. So, I scoured the interwebs for her picture and found this one. I hope this is a good one, if not, I’ll try to find another decent picture of her.
Skin Name: Kawakami Mai Rainmeter
File Size: 262 KB
Color Theme: Beige
Features: Date/ Time, System monitor, Media Player (Winamp, AIMP, iTunes, FooBar2000, Windows Media Player), Uptime
Download: https://files.secureserver.net/0s6i3oIqhYguL4
Note: Installation and usage of this skin can be observed on the Rainmeter section. If you have any request on anime character to be featured in our skin repository, please don’t hesitate to drop us a comment at Randomness Thing. Happy downloading!